Orthodontics Please, Please, Please: Don’t Buy Direct-to-Consumer Aligners! It’s been about a year since Invisalign’s patent rights have expired, which means you may…Timothy E. Mickiewicz, DDSSeptember 28, 2018
TMJ Disorder Common Problems in Infancy that Affect Oral Health I’ve written before about mouth breathing in children, as well as OSA in children, but…Timothy E. Mickiewicz, DDSSeptember 5, 2018
Sleep Medicine Hacking Better Sleep – Light, Screens, and Circadian Rhythms If you’ve ever suffered a power outage that lasted into the night, you’ve probably found…Timothy E. Mickiewicz, DDSSeptember 5, 2018
Orthodontics Good Vibrations: Orthodontic Accelerators If you pay any attention to modern orthodontic treatments, you’ve probably noticed the prevalence of…Timothy E. Mickiewicz, DDSJuly 23, 2018
Orthodontics A Few Warnings About Alternative Clear Aligners by Mail As an Invisalign provider, it’s been alarming for us to see that there are now…Timothy E. Mickiewicz, DDSJuly 17, 2018
Sleep Medicine Does Poor Sleep Increase Your Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease? We talk a lot about sleep here at my practice. I’ve invested a lot of…Timothy E. Mickiewicz, DDSJune 30, 2018