To our valued and respected patients:
Don’t skip dental appointments, even now. Your health and safety are always my priority!
I intend to stay open and practice “social isolation” as suggested by the CDC, WHO, and Sacramento County Public health directives.
Here are some practical reminders about how to reduce your risk of transmitting and acquiring infections:
- Please WASH YOUR HANDS! Handwashing with soap and water for 20 seconds or longer is much more effective than hand sanitizers like Purell. You don’t need to wear a protective facemask unless you are sick.
- Don’t touch your face. Germs spread rapidly when we touch our faces since our eyes, nose, and mouth are there. It’s where germs go in and out of our bodies, so keep your hands clean and away from your face — especially in public.
- Stay away from large groups. We will be staggering appointments to minimize the number of patients in our office at all times. This may cause some slight inconvenience for a few weeks, but ultimately it may become the norm for future medical practice models.
If you have dental pain, please don’t suffer. I live close to the office and can always make arrangements to see emergency appointments after hours. Any patient can text me, Dr. Mick, directly at 916 600 4628.
About Infection Control at Our Office
We are always on top of best practices for infection control and office cleanliness now, and we’re always on the side of public health. Our team is now instituting precautions beyond our regular infection control procedures.
We have instituted some basic principles that we hope will help, so don’t be alarmed if the receptionist, assistant manager, or doctor, wear gloves to disinfect surfaces like door jams, handles, and counters.
We also use high-grade hospital/industrial cleaners that are not available to the general public, nor should they be. The average person needs just plain soap and water to clean their hands. We prefer to err on the side of caution, while using common sense, and we urge you to do the same.
We will waive all cancellation fees, so please do not make finances a barrier to good health. Prudence is the key. If you are sick, please stay home. Call your general physician for advice.
I have survived through the HIV/AIDs crisis, H1N1, hepatitis, and major flu outbreaks. The principles we are using in this modern crisis are the same. I practiced in public health and have a posse of medical specialists on speed dial due to my close relationship with Sutter, Dignity, and UCD Medical School.
Also, I am looking at creating a telemedicine port where I can review images and sleep studies, without you having to visit our office. I am not yet ready to roll out this service, though.
We are staying open regular business hours, at least for now.
Staffing is a tremendous issue in our industry. Please be patient. I would rather work harder than have a sick staff member push through. I have assured my staff that there is no penalty if they are out on sick leave. Your health, your family’s health, and our health are not worth a few bucks.
Feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have questions or concerns. I will do my best to respond as quickly as I can. Otherwise, we will stay the course, with some slight modifications.
Dr. Mick